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Hashtag Jakarta EE #83

Sunday, August 1, 2021 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad

Welcome to the eighty-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week’s platform call was devoted entirely to the Jakarta EE 10 release plan. The platform team is in agreement, and only a last brushup is needed before the plan is submitted for plan review by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee.

As expected from the discussion around adding Jakarta MVC to the Jakarta EE Web Profile, it looks like MVC will continue as an independent specification for a while longer. The reasoning behind this decision is that most application server vendors would like to see more adoption before adding it to the platform. It is kind of a chicken-and-egg situation as inclusion in the platform would most likely result in far more adoption than as it is today. The good news is that Eclipse Krazo is certified as a compatible implementation for runtimes based on both Eclipse Jersey and RESTEasy.

Using Eclipse Krazo Jersey with Eclipse Jersey



Using Eclipse Krazo with RESTEasy



In addition to this, Eclipse GlassFish 6.2.0 is also a certified compatible implementation of Jakarta MVC, so if you’re using this version of GlassFish, no configuration is needed. Just go ahead and create your MVC applications.

The Call-for-Paper for the third edition of JakartaOne Livestream is open. It is open until September 15, but don’t wait until the last minute. You are more likely to be accepted if you submit early…