Welcome to the seventy-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Jakarta EE 9.1 will be released on Tuesday, May 25, 2021! Stay tuned for announcements on this blog, the jakarta.ee website, Jakarta EE on Twitter, and a bunch of other places.
But, we don’t rest there. The work with Jakarta EE 10 is progressing as well. The creation- and plan review for Jakarta EE Core Profile 10 was approved this week by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. We have also started the issues for defining the scope of Jakarta EE Web Profile 10 and Jakarta EE Platform 10. Plan reviews of these are expected to be initiated shortly.
The project proposal for Jakarta Config is being processed. Since it is a project that will produce a specification under the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), a creation review by the specification committee is required. This review ballot is ongoing and will end this week. Community members are encouraged to chime in and place their (non-binding) vote.
I am very pleased to announce that Eclipse Krazo, an implementation of Jakarta MVC was integrated into Eclipse GlassFish this week! This is an important milestone for the project.

If you haven’t filled out the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey yet, I hope you will take a couple of minutes required to provide us with valuable input in shaping the direction of Jakarta EE!