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Hashtag Jakarta EE #69

Sunday, April 25, 2021 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad

Welcome to the sixty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Compatibility Certification Requests (#334 and #335) for Eclipse GlassFish 6.1.RC1 has been filed both for Jakarta EE Platform 9.1 as well as Jakarta EE Web Profile 9.1.

These CCRs will be used in the ratification of the final Jakarta EE 9.1 specification. This time, we are hoping for additional compatible implementations to be a part of the material reviewed by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. Since we plan to initiate the release review ballot on April 30, it is time to start preparing the Compatibility Certification Requests by following these steps outlined by the Jakarta EE TCK project lead Scott Marlow.

The 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is still running. If you haven’t answered it yet, I encourage you to take this opportunity to provide input to the direction of Jakarta EE. It only takes a couple of minutes to answer.

Take the 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey now!

The CFP for EclipseCon 2021 is open. Don’t hesitate, submit your Jakarta EE talk today! If you are new to speaking, or unsure what to talk about, ask someone in the community to team up with you and do a joint talk!