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Hashtag Jakarta EE #33

Sunday, August 16, 2020 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad

Welcome to the thirty-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As I mentioned in last week’s Hashtag, the Jakarta EE 9 release will be postponed. We have not decided on a date yet, but I would be very surprised if we are delayed more than a little over a month. We are pretty close to the finishing line as the first ballots to approve specifications have started. Jakarta Dependency Injection 2.0, Jakarta Batch 2.0, Jakarta CDI 3.0, and Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 started last week.

As a consequence of the pushed Jakarta EE 9 release date, the Jakarta EE working group decided to move JakartaOne Livestream as well. We have therefore extended the call-for-paper. But do submit sooner rather than later!

On Wednesday, I will do a JetBrains Live Webinar about the upcoming Jakarta EE 9 release.