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Hashtag Jakarta EE #247

Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A lot of CFPs for conferences are closing around these days, so make sure you submit to have a chance to speak at these events. Here are a couple of them that come to mind: JavaLand – September 25, JakartaOne Livestream – September 25, Jfokus – September 30, GIDS – September 30, JavaOne – October 10. Also, check out https://javaconferences.org/ for a more exhaustive list.

If you’re not prone to speaking, you can of course attend a conference, or more. One that I would recommend you to check out is Open Community for Java in Mainz, Germany from October 22 to October 24. I will be speaking there!

The refactoring efforts of the Jakarta EE Platform TCK are moving along. There is not a final date yet, but it looks like sometime in the mid-to-end of November is realistic. There could potentially be a big release party at JakartaOne Livestream.

A DRAFT of the plan for Jakarta EE 12 is in the works. The plan is to aim for a release of Jakarta EE 12 in the first half of 2026. Worth noticing is that implementations of Jakarta EE 12 must be certified on either Java 21 or Java 25, or both. Targeting two Java versions like this is consistent with the way it has been done since Jakarta EE 9.