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Hashtag Jakarta EE #236

Sunday, July 7, 2024 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week I was speaking at Developer Week’24 in Nuremberg, Germany. That was my last conference of the European conference season before summer. This year, there will be a couple of conferences during the summer before the fall season start up. In a couple of weeks, I will host a workshop at JConfDominica 2024 before going directly to Greece for JCrete 2024.

Jakarta EE 11 is almost ready. All the individual specifications are done, and the Jakarta EE Platform project is finalizing the Jakarta EE Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications. The last piece of the puzzle is the work with the Jakarta EE TCK which is being refactored from Apache Ant and JavaTest Harness to a more modern approach using Apache Maven, JUnit 5, and Arquillian.

In parallel to this work, the platform project has started the discussions for a Jakarta EE 12 release sometime in the first half of 2026 with a baseline of Java 21 and verified with compatible implementations passing the TCK on Java 21 and Java 25. Note that these are very preliminary discussions and subject to change.

The program for Open Community for Java that will take place in Mainz from October 22 to 24 this year will soon be available. Take a look at the early-bird selection of speakers while waiting for the rest of the program to be published. From what I hear, the notifications to accepted speakers will be sent out this week.