Welcome to issue number two hundred and fifteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
This week I started with a trip to Jfokus 2024 in Stockholm. Directly after that, I began a week of vacation, meaning I am diving in the Red Sea while you are reading this.
The Jakarta EE Platform project will use milestones as a part of the release plan for Jakarta EE 11. The planned milestones for Jakarta EE 11 are:
– Milestone 1: December, 2023
– Milestone 2: March, 2024
– Milestone 3: April, 2024
– Milestone 4: May, 2024
The goal is that some of the component specifications will be ready for release review for each milestone. Which component specifications that are expected in each milestone are specified in the Jakarta EE 11 release plan. After the last milestone, there should only be the Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile specifications left.
It is the first time we are using Milestones for a Jakarta EE release. Hopefully, it will turn out to be a good idea that will help us complete the release as planned in June/July this year.