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Hashtag Jakarta EE #19

Sunday, May 10, 2020 - 08:09 by Ivar Grimstad

Welcome to the nineteenth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week, we got a new project proposal for a Jakarta EE Specification!

We finally got around to it and created the project proposal for Jakarta MVC. The proposal is to transfer MVC 1.0 (JSR 371) to Jakarta EE. Eclipse Krazo is already transferred, so this will complete the exercise and bring MVC over where it belongs with the other Jakarta EE specifications.

As soon as the project has been approved, we will release Jakarta MVC 1.1 under the JESP pretty quickly. This release will not include any code changes, and therefore still be in the javax.* namespace. Java EE references will be removed from the specification document and be replaced by Jakarta EE counterparts. The release will be published with the Jakarta EE maven coordinates.

The next step after this is to move everything from javax.* to jakarta.*. This will result in Jakarta MVC 2.0 that will be released simultaneously with, or directly after, Jakarta EE 9.

By doing it this way, and not jumping directly into the namespace change directly with the first release, we ensure that the specification is aligned with all the recent platform releases:

MVC 1.0 -> Java EE 8
Jakarta MVC 1.1 -> Jakarta EE 8
Jakarta MVC 2.0 -> Jakarta EE 9

For Jakarta EE 10, it would be natural to aim for getting Jakarta MVC included in the Web Profile.

In the end, I will remind you about the ongoing elections to the Jakarta EE working group. If you are eligible to vote, you have received information about how to proceed in your mail. The bios of all the candidates are available in the Jakarta EE Community Drive.