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Marketing to Bloggers

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 05:21 by Anonymous (not verified)

When we do our launch in June, I want to make sure we get the message out via different blogs and developer forums. I’ve been contemplating what is the best method to convince people to write about Eclipse in their blogs. Microsoft has taken an interesting approach of actually recruiting 20 ‘influential bloggers’ to talk about Longhorn. I’ve been wondering if this approach would work for Eclipse?

However, this past weekend I am pretty convinced that we already have a great network of bloggers. When M7 was released, I counted 4 blog posting announcing the release on Planet Eclipse. There was also a thread started on The ServerSide , a number of blogs on JRoller mentioned M7 (1. 2,) and a thread on JavaLobby (why is it that JavaLobby discussion lead to a SWT vs Swing debate?). To top it off, we have had 22,914 downloads of M7 as of Tuesday morning. Not bad since it was just released on the weekend.

It doesn’t seem that we couldn’t do any better with the blogs or the developer forums? Do people agree? The one area I would like to get more exposure, is on some of the other projects. In June and July, BIRT, TPTP, Web Tools, AspectJ, EMF, GEF and VE are all releasing new versions. It would be nice to get some exposure for these projects.