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EclipseCon 2024: Where Innovation Meets Tradition in the Heart of Germany

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 12:23 by Clark Roundy

Nestled along the Rhine River, the historic city of Mainz, Germany, offers a unique blend of ancient heritage and modern innovation. With a history stretching back over two millennia, Mainz has evolved from a Roman stronghold to a vibrant center of cutting-edge technology. This October, it will serve as the backdrop for Open Community Experience, from 22-24 October 2024, where developers, innovators, and tech leaders from around the world will converge.

At the heart of OCX is EclipseCon, returning stronger than ever as a must attend annual gathering for the global development community. Alongside EclipseCon, OCX will introduce two exciting new collocated conferences: Open Community for Java and Open Community for Automotive. These additions will create a diverse and dynamic environment, expanding the reach and impact of the conference.


What Makes EclipseCon Special? 

EclipseCon isn’t just another tech conference. It’s where the brightest minds in the development community come together – not just to discuss the future, but to build it. Whether you’re a seasoned developer who can write code in your sleep or you’re just starting, EclipseCon has something for you. Take a journey into the heart of the Eclipse ecosystem, explore the latest in open source tools, and connect with people who are as passionate about technology as you are. And let’s not forget gastronomy. Mainz is well-known for its wine and cuisine, and there’s nothing better than discussing code over a glass of local Riesling.


EclipseCon is a Must-Attend Developer Event

EclipseCon isn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends; it’s about driving the future of software development. This conference offers unique opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions about the latest advancements in the Eclipse ecosystem and open source tools. Take the opportunity to network with industry leaders and developers from around the world, and gain insights that are just as valuable as the technical sessions.


What You Can Look Forward To 

This year’s sessions are set to be particularly exciting, with several talks focused on AI development. Jonas Helming from EclipseSource will present a vision for an AI-driven, user-centric IDE based on Theia, setting the stage for the next generation of development tools. We’re also anticipating insightful talks from Ericsson’s Matthew Khouzam about Leveraging AI Technologies in Eclipse Trace Compass and Maximilian Koegel session on Enhancing Custom IDEs with AI: Strategies, Use Cases and Pitfalls.

Don’t miss Jinbo Wang from Microsoft, alongside Mickael Istria and David Thompson from Red Hat, as they dive into leveraging Javac in JDT. Their live demo will provide an indepth look at the project’s current progress—ideal for those who enjoy a deep technical dive.

Jonah Graham from Kichwa Coders Canada Inc., will explore the successes and challenges faced in the implementation of the Language Server Protocol (LSP) in CDT. The session will also examine how it impacts productivity, code quality, and developer experience.

These sessions, along with many others, will showcase the innovative developments within Eclipse platforms and IDEs that continue to push the boundaries of software development.


Join Us at EclipseCon 2024!

If you’re ready to be inspired, learn, and connect with the global developer community, EclipseCon 2024 is the place for you. Register by 23 September 2024 to take advantage of early bird rates, and explore the full program of technical talks, use cases, and networking opportunities designed to ignite your creativity. 

Who knows? The next big idea could be waiting for you in Mainz.