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What type of marketing does Eclipse need?

Friday, October 13, 2006 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)

We are starting to plan for 2007. Part of the process is to identify the key programs we would like to implement during the year and therefore ensure we allocate the budget and resources appropriately. I am putting together a plan for the marketing programs.

Obviously the Eclipse Foundation has modest marketing resources, so I want to make sure we focus on high impact activities. Therefore, I am interested in what people think are the important marketing programs that the Foundation should undertake in 2007.

To give you an idea, in 2006 we used our resources on things like press agencies, trade shows, seminar series in the USA, webinars, podcasts, writing case studies, swag and sponsoring Eclipse community meetings. What else should we be doing to help grow the Eclipse community and spread the word about Eclipse?