Twitter is the shiny new toy tool that everyone is talking about. Twitter is a great tool for listening and interacting with a community, like the EclipseCon community. To make it easier to find the twitter people at EclipseCon, we have created the EclipseCon Birds Nest. [1]
You can join the the Birds Nest by following @eclipsecon. Then you can participate in four different ways:
1. As a speaker and add a url to your session.
2. As an exhibitor
3. As an attendee
4. As someone who wants to follow EclipseCon via twitter.
Note: It is important to include the hashtags that we have setup since that is how we parse the response.
During EclipseCon, you will be able to check the Birds Nest to find attendee twitter ids, speaker ids and sessions.
At EclipseCon, we plan to have a big Twitter monitor in the lounge area. People can watch real-time what people are saying about #eclipsecon on Twitter. We will also make the same feed is available on the EclipseCon home page and of course anyone can use Twitter search yourself. btw, if anyone company wants to sponsor the Twitter monitor let me or Donald know. It will be great; trust me.
Finally, we have the tweetup on Sunday night. Let me know on twitter if you plan on coming.
Check out the Birds Nest. Let us know what you think and how we can improve it. Kudos to Nathan for putting it together over the last couple of days.
[1] Thanks to @bmuskalla for suggesting the name; of course provided via twitter.