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Top 10 Fastest Rising Solutions on Eclipse Marketplace

Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 16:10 by Anonymous (not verified)

Eclipse Marketplace Client (MPC) is becoming a popular way to install new plugins into Eclipse. There are 265 solutions available from MPC, so a great selection is developing. I recently blogged the top 10 solutions on Eclipse Marketplace but I thought it would be interesting to discover what are the new solutions people are finding on Eclipse Marketplace.    Therefore, I present the top 10 Fastest Rising Solutions during the month of January on Eclipse Marketplace.

The top 4 new solutions added to Eclipse Marketplace during the month of January were:

  1. Eclipse Color Theme – this plugin has an amazing 1243 installs in the first month.  Very popular!
  2. SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.2  – a very respectable 859 installs in January
  3. MouseFeed –  298 installs and seems like a handy plugin to remind developers about keyboard shortcuts
  4. JPA Diagram Editor – 231 installs in January and a new Eclipse project

What were the existing solutions that had the biggest jump in overall rank?  Below are the 6 that made the biggest jump  from December to January.

  1. Apache IvyDE™
  2. Mylyn Mantis Connector
  3. Quick JUnit
  4. SVEditor
  5. Debug Visualisation for Eclipse
  6. Eclipse Metrics

If you haven’t tried Eclipse Marketplace Client, try it out and discover an easier way to install Eclipse solutions.  If you already used Eclipse Marketplace, why not check out some of these new solutions.
