No not that p2 – P2 the movie. Given the discussion about our p2, I just couldn’t resist.
I know the p2 team is working extremely hard to make p2 a killer feature. Making any change as significant as p2 will always strike fear in people, including me. However, one thing I am finding is that some people don’t appreciate what p2 buys them. Therefore, with some input from Pascal, Jeff and others, I bring you the top 10 reasons p2 is going to rock.
- Automatic retry of download across all available sources
- Transparently picks the best mirror
- Bundle pooling allows sharing of plug-ins across multiple eclipse instances
- Ability to manage the complete installation (exe, ini, etc)
- Ability to manage and update an Eclipse instance without running it
- Makes is easy to create headless and custom update user interfaces
- Validates plug-in inter-dependencies so you only install plugins that work together; if you can install it runs.
- Multi-threaded download making downloads faster
- Only installs plugins that you need, so it reduces the number of plugins installed
- Create uber-update sites that know how to get plug-ins from multiple sources
- P2 means you never have to install Eclipse again, you just need to update.
Feel free to add to this list.
btw, I don’t mean to discount the concerns that have been raised. It is important that the community have these discussions and I hope they continue. Changes is always hard, especially understanding the impact it will have on everyone.
btw, thanks to mcq for the tip on the p2 movie.