The Eclipse IoT community has been working hard on some pretty awesome things over the past few months! Here is a quick summary of what has been happening.
Open Testbeds
We recently announced the launch of Eclipse IoT Open Testbeds. Simply put, they are collaborations between vendors and open source communities that aim to demonstrate and test commercial and open source components needed to create specific industry solutions.
The Asset Tracking Management Testbed is the very first one! It is a collaboration between Azul Systems, Codenvy, Eurotech, Red Hat, and Samsung’s ARTIK team. It demonstrates how assets with various sensors can be tracked in real-time, in order to minimize the cost of lost or damaged parcels. You can learn more about the Eclipse IoT Open Testbeds here.
Watch Benjamin Cabé present the Asset Tracking testbed demo in the video below. It was recorded at the Red Hat Summit in Boston this month.⬇
Case Study
We have been working with Deutsche Bahn (DB) and DB Systel to create a great case study that demonstrates how open source IoT technology is being used on their German railway system. They are currently using two Eclipse IoT projects, Eclipse Paho and Eclipse Mosquitto, among other technologies. In other words, if you’ve taken a DB train in Germany, you might have witnessed the “invisible” work of Eclipse IoT technology at the station or on board. How awesome is that?!

Upcoming IoT Events
I am currently working on the organization of two upcoming Eclipse IoT Days that will take place in Europe this fall! ? ? ? We are currently accepting talks for both events. Go on, submit your passion! I am excited to read your proposal :)
Eclipse IoT Day @ Thingmonk
September 11 | London, UK
? Email us your proposal iot at eclipse dot org
Eclipse IoT Day @ EclipseCon Europe
October 24 | Ludwigsburg, Germany
? Propose a talk
I look forward to meeting you in person at both events!
— Roxanne (Yes, I decided to sign this blog post.)