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Most Popular Sessions at EclipseCon 2013 in Boston

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 - 14:38 by Anonymous (not verified)

Last week, I blogged about the most popular tutorials for EclipseCon.  Today I was looking at the sessions people have added to their own schedule.  From the data so far, here are the top 10 most popular sessions for next week (excluding the awesome keynotes):

  1. The Art of Java Performance Tuning – Ed Merks
  2. Eclipse 4 Goes Formal: API You Can Rely On: – Eric Moffat
  3. Code Recommenders: Developers come and go but the code remains – Marcel Bruch
  4. Shake that FUD; How to migrate your Eclipse 3 legacy code to Eclipse 4 – Wim Jongman and Lars Vogel
  5. What’s new in the Http Service Specification – Felix Meschberger
  6. Modern UIs with JavaFX, OSGi, and e4 and the tooling provided by e(fx)clipse – Tom Schindl
  7. Eclipse 4.x: Tips on API best practices for a 3.x plugin running on both platforms – Paul Webster
  8. It’s all about feedback – code review as a great tool in the agile toolbox – Stefan Lay and Matthias Sohn
  9. The lessons of restructuring plugin-based software – Leo Dos Sontos
  10. NASA uses Eclipse RCP applications for experiments on the International Space Station – Tamar Cohen

A great selection of talks and speakers.

As a reminder, anyone attending EclipseCon can log into the conference site and build their own schedule by selecting the star for each session you plan to attend.

See you next week and don’t forget to register.
