A couple people have asked me for data on how fast people upgrade to a new version of Eclipse or specifically 3.3. Unfortunately, ‘data’ is difficult to get on Eclipse and in general open source. However, here is what I can find:
- In the first two months after the Europa release we had 2.8 million downloads. This does not equate to individual developers but I think it shows a lot of people have downloaded the new version.
- We did an informal poll on EPIC, to see how fast people were planning to update. it showed that 90%+ would upgrade within 6 months.
- BZ Media does an annual survey of Eclipse usage in Nov/Dec. time frame. Of those people that are using Eclipse, around 65% are using the latest version.
Based on this, I typically estimate that 50-65% of the Eclipse community has upgraded to the lastest version within 6 months of release. I am interested if other people think this seems reasonable based on your experiences.