Eclipse is turning 10 this November and we want to have a BIG party. EclipseCon Europe will kick-off for the celebration but we want to have birthday parties around the world. In fact, I would like to see at least 50 parties in different countries around the world. 10 years is a great achievement and something to celebrate.
To get ready, we need your help to organize a local birthday party. To make it easy, we are combining the usual DemoCamp format with the 10th Birthday Parties. Organizing an event is pretty straightforward: 1) find a location (pub/restaurant/office meeting room), 2) recruit some speakers, 3) promote the party to your friends and community and 4) have fun at the party. Check out the more detailed instructions and the list of parties already being organized. I am hoping we will have a nice picture wall of 50 birthday cakes from 50 locations by the end of November.
Get ready, November is the month to celebrate 10 years of Eclipse.