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Eclipse at SAP TechEd

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 - 09:40 by Anonymous (not verified)

SAP is holding their big developer conference this week in Las Vegas. Seems like SAP is showing off some cool new tools based on Eclipse.

Jeff Nolan has an interesting recap of the executive keynote and the demo of SAP’s Composition Environment, which is based on Eclipse. Jeff also discussed SAP’s commitment to Eclipse:

Let me reiterate a subtle but important point, SAP is throwing it’s weight behind Eclipse as an IDE and that’s big news. While SAP has supported Eclipse as a foundation member since 2002 the relationship has always been uneasy. SAP views developer tools as a core competency, so the notion of relying on a third party for this important piece of the developer tool portfolio has been unnatural for the company. Over the years this attitude has broken down and SAP is increasingly building key tools, like CE, on top of Eclipse. Let’s hope the company’s embrace of open source is two way and is an indicator of future support across the board.

SearchSAP also has a few pictures of SAP’s new visual modeling tool, also based on Eclipse.

SAP has always been a great supporter of the Eclipse community and it is great to see them roll out new products built on Eclipse.
