Welcome to 2018 and Happy New Year! ?
It’s also a new year for the Eclipse Newsletter, a monthly publication featuring 4 to 8 technical articles written by technical experts that revolve around a specific theme.
The newsletter is a great resource to learn more about Eclipse tools and projects and stay up-to-date about recent news and events. Additionally, the theme changes every month so you get a one-stop shop when you’re looking to learn about something.
This year’s editorial calendar is ready! Find out what will pop into your inbox every month:

What’s that? March doesn’t have a topic yet? Well go on and suggest one!
Click here to suggest a topic or author for March
We will collect your suggestions until January 31, 2018.
Afterwards we will select one of them to be featured as a theme for the March issue of the Eclipse Newsletter.
Historical anecdote about the Newsletter
The Eclipse Newsletter has been around since 2013 — craziness. I have been the editor since the launch date and it has been quite the learning experience.
When I started, I knew the very basics of HTML, yet I knew nothing about CSS, git, Gerrit, or the Eclipse IDE. The learning curve was steep. In order to create a contribution to eclipse.org there were a lot of things to learn. The good news is, I had a very patient and understanding teacher, Chris Guindon. He helped me get through the hard part. Low and behold, I was ready to hit the commit button! ?
Design-wise, the newsletter has gone through 3 different looks and who knows, 2018 might get a fresh update! (And yes, that is a heads-up for you, Eric Poirier.)

I may be a native English speaker, but at first I had a hard time putting it together. It was doubly challenging since I was new to Eclipse technologies and I wasn’t used to writing editor’s notes . Over the past 4 years, it’s become easier and I enjoy coding the newsletter. I still learn new things every month!
Today [as of January 9 when I am typing this] the subscriber count is over 217,000! Thank you to everyone who subscribed and contributed to the newsletter over the past years!
What now?
- Subscribe
- Search the newsletter archives
- Follow @EclipseFdn on Twitter and post #EclipseNewsletter
- Reach me ⟶ newsletter at eclipse dot org