The Eclipse Enterprise Modeling Day was held yesterday in Zurich. We had over 100 people from 50 different companies in attendance. All the feedback was very positive and a lot of gratitude to UBS for being wonderful hosts.
UPDATE: Christian Meier from UBS did a very nice summary of the Modeling Day, including pictures.
The highlight for me were the presentations from four end user companies: UBS, Robert Bosch, RWE and Nord/LB. All four companies are using Eclipse modeling technology to solve business problems. For instance, UBS is building tools to better understand their mainframe system and in the long term be able to capture all of the bank’s knowledge as models. Robert Bosch is using Eclipse to help design automotive components. Nord/LB is using XText to help them be more efficient in creating enterprise Java applications. All very different industries and applications but all using Eclipse modeling technology.
During discussions at the event other companies are also using Eclipse modeling to create some equally impressive applications. It really seems to me Eclipse Modeling has hit the mainstream. Large companies are using the technology to build important applications for their enterprise. It is great to see how successful the Eclipse Modeling community has become.
Another presentation at the Modeling Day was about the Eclipse Modeling Platform. One thing we do hear is that the Eclipse modeling projects need to be better integrated around a model repository and an integrated platform. The Eclipse Modeling Platform is a concept that is being developed by end-user companies UBS, Swift, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, plus some services companies Geensys, itemis, Zeiligsoft and Obeo. The goal is to build an integrated platform that can be used for building model-centric applications.
The platform is still in the discussion phase but we would like to get additional end-user companies involved in the definition of the platform. If your organization has a strategic direction toward model-driven development, we would like to hear from you. Our goal is to create a platform that is flexible enough to be used in different industries, different enterprises and different commercial applications. Feel free to send me an e-mail (ian dot skerrett at eclipse dot org)