One of the driving motivations for organizing Agile ALM Connect is the belief there is a change occurring in how organizations are building enterprise applications and the overall software development lifecycle. Motivating this change things like agile development, cloud computing, mobile development, and new tools integration which require a new way of thinking about application lifecycle management. This is why we wanted to bring together some of the smartest people in the Agile ALM space to talk about what the future of Agile ALM and how IT organizations should adapt.
The Agile ALM Connect program committee has done an amazing job of bringing together a program that features some of the leading experts in the industry. I don’t know of any other conference that brings together experts of tools, agile methodology experts and real world case studies.
The entire line-up of speakers is pretty awesome but here is a sample of the speakers coming to Agile ALM Connect:
- Jean-Michel Lemieux, VP of Development at Atlassian talks about how Atlassian does continuous deployment.
- Jason Huggins, CTO of Saucelabs and creator of Selenium, a popular open source testing framework, will present how to use Selenium to test mobile applications.
- Luke Kaines, CEO of Puppetlabs and founder of Puppet, an open source configuration management tool, will talk about Puppet and DevOps in general.
- Raziel Tabib, Product Line Manager for HP ALM solutions will talk about using agile in large scale teams.
- Dave West, VP and Research Director at Forrester, one of the leading industry analysts in the ALM space and a participant on the Agile ALM Connect program committee, will describe his vision of Lean ALM.
- Tom Grant, another highly respected Forrester analyst in the ALM space will talk the best practices relating to requirements management for agile teams.
- Israel Gat from Cutter Consortium is one of the leading thinkers on large scale agile transformations and will be presenting a blueprint for rolling out Agile in an organization.
- Jason Van Zyl, CTO of Sonatype and Founder of Maven, is going to do a technical presentation on using Eclipse and Maven together.
- Shawn Pearce is the project leader for Gerrit, an open source code review tool that is used by the Android development team and is closely aligned with Git. Shawn is going to discuss how Gerrit can help harness peer code reviews.
- Adrian Cho and Scott Rich are two senior IBM development managers and technologist from the IBM Jazz team and have also been involved with the initial Eclipse Platform team. They will be sharing their experiences of building Agile teams based on the principles of open development and transparency.
- Sam Guckenheimer is the Microsoft Visual Studio Product Owner will talk about the continuous feedback techniques the Visual Studio team uses to build their product. As an aside, I am thrilled to have Sam talking at Agile ALM Connect. The challenges of Agile ALM is a multi-language/platform challenge that definitely includes Microsoft Visual Studio.
- Cindi Mitchel is the Managing Director of ThoughtWorks Studios. ThoughtWorks is a leader in Continuous Delivery, so we are lucky to have Cindi talk about how IT leadership needs to adapt for Continuous Delivery.
- Olivier Gaudin is the CEO of SonarSource the company behind the Sonar open source project, a quality management platform. Olivier is going to talk about integrating Continuous Inspection into your ALM tool chain.
- Steve Harris is the Senior VP of Products for CloudBees, a PaaS for Java in the Cloud. Steve is going to talk about the success factors of hosting your continuous integration in the cloud.
- Scott Ambler, is the IBM Chief Methodologist for IT and a well known book author on Agile development. Scott is going to talk about applying developer analytics to ALM.
- Finally, Mik Kersten, CEO of Tasktop, creator of Eclipse Mylyn and the program chair of Agile ALM Connect will be doing one of the keynote session on the Future of ALM.
This is a partial list of an amazing line-up of speakers and sessions. If you want to know the future of Agile ALM, these people are setting that future today. Agile ALM Connect is a great opportunity to understand how your IT department can get ready and benefit from Agile ALM.