How fast do you think Eclipse 3.1 can reach 1 million downloads? 20, 30, 40 or 50 days? We are thinking of putting this challenge out to the community. If we reach one million downloads in xx days then the Eclipse Foundation will do something special. Not sure what ‘that’ is yet?
John Wiegand, the Platform PMC Leader, suggested the idea. I know Mozilla and Opera have done something similar and it seemed to be successful. Denis Roy has developed a real-time download counter that we are thinking of adding to the download page. He and I call it the hype-o-meter but we will probably have to find a better name :-).
To give you an idea of past success; 3.0.2 was released March 31 and we have had just over 1 million downloads as of today (about 62 days) and M7 has had about 81K.
So how fast do you think Eclipse 3.1 will reach 1 million downloads?