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Birthday card greetings

Friday, November 17, 2006 - 13:10 by Anonymous (not verified)

The Eclipse Birthday Card has been a great success. Over 2000 people have signed the card. We are planning to keep the card active until the end of November and then we will do a randon draw to giveaway 20 Eclipse sweaters.

A couple of things that jumped out at me from the birthday card summary information : 1) we have a LOT of Eclipse users in India. Sitting in Ottawa, sometimes it is really hard to get the pulse of the entire Eclipse community but it seems like Eclipse is thriving in India. 2) Close to 25% of the people that signed the card started using Eclipse with version 3.1 or 3.2, ie in the last 2 years. Nice to see new developers continue to find Eclipse.

I have been scanning all the greetings that people have left. I would like to thank everyone who has spent the time signing the card. For those people that don’t have the time to scan 2000 message, I’ve reproduce some of the greetings here.

Been working with Eclipse since its early stages as a VisualAge follow on. Started using it as a production development environment with version 0.9. It’s been a fun ride. The platform has come along way!
– Ray Elenteny

Birthday.getinstance(Eclipse.getInstance(5)).congratulations(); do{ Eclipse.getInstance().releaseSuccess(); }While(true)


Since June 2005, we start to develop an Eclipse RCP based application called KDKlipse (vendor=BBS Inc, Tokyo, Japan). Eclipse makes our dream coming to true. Thanks a lot.
– Feng Dihai

Happy Birthday Eclipse! I’m a total newbie but my first steps with you made me suddenly fall in love with you!
– Marc

I am a professor and I have been trying to get Eclipse used in my department for 5 years, since I first heard about Eclipse. This year we finally started using it in two of our courses and our students love it. Happy Birthday!
– clement allen

The first IDE that I preferred to Emacs. I simply cannot do anything without it now!
– Daniel Le Berre

Happy Birthday Eclipse! You’ve been making our lives much more interesting all these years!
IntelliJ IDEA Team

I really appreciate the greetings from the IntelliJ team. I have a lot of respect for those guys.