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Why you should join me at Open Community Experience in Mainz if you are interested in Dataspaces

Monday, September 23, 2024 - 06:19 by Javier Valiño

Why am I heading to the Open Community Experience (OCX) 2024 in Mainz? Simple—it's where innovation meets collaboration, and where the future of open source software (OSS) takes centre stage. If you need convincing, here are five solid reasons to join me from 22-24 October.

1. Learn from the Latest OSS Initiatives.

OCX is your one-stop shop for everything. In just three days, you will be exposed to the latest initiatives, trends, and projects in the OSS community. It’s like a tech buffet, where instead of sampling different dishes, you are feasting on the latest code, projects, and ideas—all in one place. No need to browse endless forums or GitHub repositories; OCX has it all.

2. Benefit from Industry Experts and Thought Leaders. 

This conference features sessions, tutorials, and keynotes from OSS project leads, contributors, committers, and industry experts. Each speaker is like a headliner, ready to blow your mind with knowledge that can propel your work to new heights.

3. Connect with Leading Professionals.

The OCX Conference is also about networking. It is where you meet industry-leading professionals and innovators who are tackling the same challenges as you. Building these relationships can lead to collaborations that solve your current issues and open new doors.

4. Discover New Insights and Technologies.

One of the biggest takeaways from OCX is discovering new insights and technologies that you can apply directly within your organisation. From innovative approaches to practical solutions, you'll gain actionable takeaways that will have a direct impact on your projects. And the best part? You get to bring these treasures back. The full agenda is waiting for you to explore.

5. Stay Ahead of Regulatory Changes.

Navigating the regulatory landscape is no small task, but OCX is here to guide you through it. With sessions covering the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and other crucial industry policies, you will get the regulatory roadmap you need to stay compliant and ahead of the game.

Ok fine, but why is OCX also crucial for data spaces? 

1. Eclipse Dataspace Components Project.

Mark your calendar for 22 October. Markus Spiekermann will walk you through the Eclipse Dataspace Components Project, showing how to build your production-ready data space empire from the ground up. Markus will show you how to lay the foundation, construct the walls, and fortify your data-sharing structures.

2. Road to Dataspace Standardisation.

Also on 22 October, Frédéric Desbiens and I will dive deep into dataspace standardisation at the session You Too Can Be a Standards Expert! You will learn about the major organisations shaping international standards such as ISO, IEC, and W3C and how their work connects to the Eclipse Foundation. 

3. eSAAM Conference on Data Spaces.

The eSAAM Conference is a full-day event on 22 October focused on research and innovation for data spaces. With keynotes and presentations spanning GDPR, AI Act, and European Regulation, this event is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know. I’ll also be presenting “What’s Next? Towards Dataspace Interoperability: Open Standardisation and Implementation,” where we’ll explore the future of interoperability and open standards.

Will I see you there? Trust me, you will want to be in the front row.