Wayne Beaton's blog

    Annotated Web Services in JBoss

    Thursday, June 21, 2007 - 14:54 by Wayne Beaton
    I recently recorded a flash demo of the creation—using annotations—of a web service for JBoss 4.2 using a pre-release of the new Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (the work-in-progress landing page is here). You can find the demo here. Creating the web service is pretty easy. I noticed that...

    SWT/Swing Integration

    Wednesday, June 20, 2007 - 12:50 by Wayne Beaton
    Today we published an article on Eclipse Corner titled, “SWT/Swing Integration”. This is a pretty important topic that is of great interest to a lot of folks. The article was written by Gordon Hirsch, based on some real world experience with the SWT_AWT bridge component (which allows you to host...

    Eclipse Persistence Project

    Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - 14:21 by Wayne Beaton
    I spent the last (you might say ‘better’) part of my day yesterday hanging out with some of my old friends at Oracle, trying to help them get their new Eclipse project up and running. The Eclipse Persistence Services project, which is affectionately known as “EclipseLink” is inheriting some awesome...

    My own Ubuntu Experiment

    Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 12:00 by Wayne Beaton
    It seems that I’ve been reading a lot of “ Ubuntu Experience” blog entries lately. I decided that, with the arrival of my new laptop, I’d do the same. I recently acquired a brand spanking new Dell Latitude D820 laptop. It’s quite nice and is seriously loaded. The installation of...

    New Eclipse Resources

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 12:52 by Wayne Beaton
    Qi Liang has authored an excellent article titled “ Using the BIRT Chart Engine in Your Plug-in” that discusses how you can incorporate BIRT charts into your own applications. This article introduces the basic concepts of BIRT Chart Engine, explains what BIRT Chart Engine is composed of, and illustrates how...

    What is Eclipse?

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 09:32 by Wayne Beaton
    Fairly frequently, I get questions from people asking me just what the heck Eclipse is. It’s difficult to understand what Eclipse is by looking at our website (though that’s something that’s changing—slowly). The problem is that Eclipse is actually pretty hard to define. Most people know Eclipse as a Java...

    Duke, Duke, Duke

    Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - 01:50 by Wayne Beaton
    I arrived earlier today at JavaOne and I have to admit that I’m more confused than ever. Just what the heck is Duke anyway? He/it looks a lot like a tooth with a disturbing amount of decay below the gumline. I got a picture of me chatting briefly with Duke...