Wayne Beaton's blog

    Java Forum Stuttgart 2008

    Friday, July 4, 2008 - 18:51 by Wayne Beaton
    There’s something about the Java Forum Stuttgart conference that I really like. The conference is a little on the large size (I believe that I heard that there were 1,200 attendees) which gives the exhibit area a really busy feel. Good busy. As a speaker, I can’t say enough about...

    But I’m not a Newbie!

    Thursday, July 3, 2008 - 07:55 by Wayne Beaton
    If you have a question about some Eclipse project, the newsgroups are your best bet. If you’re not sure what group is appropriate for your question, post it on newcomer. Posters to newcomer are often redirected to other newsgroups, but newcomer is a good starting point since a lot of...

    Stammtisch at the Hotel Krone in Stuttgart, July 3rd.

    Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 12:21 by Wayne Beaton
    One of the more exciting things I get to do when I visit Germany is attend one of Ralph’s many Stammtisches (or is that Stammtischae?) For the uninitiated, Stammtisch translates roughly into “regular’s table”. Ralph’s incarnation of the tradition brings members of the Eclipse community together to socialize and network...

    Project Pairing Visualization

    Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 23:49 by Wayne Beaton
    At Nick’s suggestion, I’ve been tinkering with using Zest to visualize the project pairing data that I’ve spend so darned much time gathering from the Usage Data Collector results over the past week. This image was generated using the “ Spring graph” layout algorithm to represent how closely related the...

    Ganymede Presentation

    Monday, June 23, 2008 - 19:02 by Wayne Beaton
    I’m working on a presentation about Ganymede. I’ve already got some slides from the talk Mike and I did at JavaOne 2008, and am in the process of adding material from Chris’ article on developerWorks. I’ve scavenged a lot of material from the Eclipsepedia wiki on the topic and have...

    Real-Time Shared Editing

    Friday, June 20, 2008 - 14:24 by Wayne Beaton
    Mustafa has posted a cool screencam of shared editing using Eclipse. He and a friend, Thomas, chat via Skype while they work together on the same file in shared editor. It’s about as good as real side-by-side pair-programming… It may even be a little better (though pair-programming traditionalists may baulk...

    What is Riena About?

    Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 22:49 by Wayne Beaton
    Elias posted this note on the Riena Dev list. I think it’s interesting reading that deserves a broader audience. So… here it is. — From my personal point-of-view (having done a couple of RCP projects) the benefit of Riena that is important to *me* is, that Riena will provide a...

    Project pairings

    Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 16:45 by Wayne Beaton
    I decided that it might be cool to find out which projects are being used together in the wild, so I wrote a new report using data collected by the Usage Data Collector (UDC). The report shows a table where each row contains a pair of projects and a number...