Ivar Grimstad's blog

    J-Fall 2023

    Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 02:58 by Ivar Grimstad
    J-FALL is the biggest Java conference in the Netherlands. The 2023 edition was the 20th edition and had 1800 attendees registered. It is impressive for a one-day conference! The conference is organized by NLJUG (Nederlandse Java User Group) and is free for members of the JUG. The venue for the...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #201

    Sunday, November 5, 2023 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number two hundred and one of Hashtag Jakarta EE! The upcoming week will be busy with three talks at two conferences. I will attend Øredev 2023 here in Malmö on Wednesday before heading to Ede to speak at J-Fall on Thursday. The talk is titled Prepare for Jakarta...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #200

    Sunday, October 29, 2023 - 06:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number two hundred of Hashtag Jakarta EE! Wow! 200 posts! The Milestone 1 release of Jakarta EE 11 is approaching. Some of the component specifications have started to produce their M1 releases. Two of them are Jakarta Annotations 3.0 and Jakarta Data 1.0. Check them out in the...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #199

    Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE! I’ve always been a big fan of Donald Duck, and I still have a subscription so each week a new issue of Kalle Anka (that’s what Donald is called in Sweden) is delivered to my mailbox. Since I have...

    EclipseCon 2023

    Friday, October 20, 2023 - 08:27 by Ivar Grimstad
    I have written a daily recap from each day of EclipseCon 2023, and here’s the summary of it all. Don’t worry, I will not repeat myself. It all started with Community Day on Monday, followed by three intense days of the regular EclipseCon from Tuesday through Thursday. Read all about...

    EclipseCon 2023 – Day 3

    Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 11:31 by Ivar Grimstad
    Day 3 of EclipseCon 2023 was a bit quieter than the previous ones. I guess some of the attendees returned home early after a couple of intense conference days. Emily and I hosted a panel session about MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. Since the two of us were the only panelists...

    EclipseCon 2023 – Day 2

    Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 04:09 by Ivar Grimstad
    We had the Jakarta EE Office Hours on the second day of EclipseCon 2023. The concept of office hours is to let attendees ask questions directly to the Eclipse Foundation staff involved in a particular area during scheduled slots. Since it is during sessions, it wasn’t exactly hectic. I had...

    EclipseCon 2023 – Day 1

    Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 03:45 by Ivar Grimstad
    On the first day of EclipseCon 2023, Tanja and I had a three-hour Jakarta EE Workshop. Since this was the very first time we did this workshop, we were a little unsure of it would go. It turned out to go very well, even if the material was a little...

    EclipseCon 2023 – Community Day

    Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 02:27 by Ivar Grimstad
    Monday at EclipseCon is the Community Day. This year, we introduced the Community Day for Java Developers, a two-track mini-conference filled with talks from amazing speakers. The day was brought to you by the Adoptium, MicroProfile, and Jakarta EE working groups at Eclipse Foundation in collaboration with iJUG. With 100...

    Hashtag Jakarta EE #198

    Sunday, October 15, 2023 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
    Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE! A busy week with Community Over Code and Devoxx Morocco. I am currently in Paris on my way to Ludwigsburg for EclipseCon 2023, which will be the final stop on this three-week conference tour in October. Between the...