Thabang Mashologu's blog

    Farewell and thanks

    Thursday, August 26, 2021 - 10:39 by Thabang Mashologu
    This Friday I will be leaving my role as VP, Marketing and Corporate Development at the Eclipse Foundation. The Eclipse Foundation is one of the best organizations and communities I have ever encountered and I am so grateful to have been here for the past three and a half years...

    ADLINK: Giving Back to Open Source - The Entrepreneurial Open Source Podcast

    Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - 11:03 by Thabang Mashologu
    On the fifth episode of the Entrepreneurial Open Source Podcast, we welcomed Angelo Corsaro, chief technology officer at ADLINK Technology. Angelo’s work for ADLINK — a global business that builds and deploys Edge AI solutions to connect people, places and things — has been focused on corporate technology strategy and...

    Webtide: Building an Open Source Lifestyle Business - The Entrepreneurial Open Source Podcast

    Thursday, June 24, 2021 - 10:47 by Thabang Mashologu
    The latest episode of the Entrepreneurial Open Source Podcast features Webtide, the company behind CometD and a key contributor to Eclipse Jetty. Even if you haven’t heard of Jetty, you’re probably familiar with some of the products and services powered by it. As one of the world’s most widely deployed...

    Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Open Source Podcast

    Wednesday, May 12, 2021 - 09:28 by Thabang Mashologu
    We’re excited to introduce you to the Entrepreneurial Open Source Podcast! This show aims to uncover valuable practical insights about building business through open source participation and commercial innovation. By speaking to people who are giving back to open source communities while running successful businesses, we hope to inform, engage...

    Help Shape the Future of IoT and Edge by Completing Our Survey

    Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 08:55 by Thabang Mashologu
    If your business is deploying or using commercial IoT and edge computing solutions, please take a few minutes before February 28 to complete our 2021 IoT and Edge Commercial Adoption Survey. With your input, everyone in the IoT ecosystem will have better insight into the requirements, priorities, and challenges organizations...

    Member Case Study: Obeo Accelerates Growth With a Strategic Membership

    Friday, January 8, 2021 - 09:00 by Thabang Mashologu
    Happy New Year! It's a new year and we have a new case study to inspire your entrepreneurial open source journey. In 2009, just two years after Obeo joined the Eclipse Foundation, the company took a bold step and became a Strategic member with a representative on the Eclipse Foundation...

    Member Case Study: Cedalo Finds New Opportunities in the Eclipse IoT Ecosystem

    Friday, December 4, 2020 - 12:27 by Thabang Mashologu
    In our latest member case study, we’re sharing Cedalo’s story. Cedalo is an active member of the Eclipse IoT ecosystem and a great example of how businesses and entrepreneurs naturally discover one another and new opportunities to co-innovate in Eclipse Foundation communities. Cedalo is deeply involved in the Eclipse Streamsheets...