
I Highly Recommend Fishing

Monday, May 29, 2006 - 23:16 by Mike Milinkovich
Like Steve O’Grady, fishing for me has never been about just catching fish. In fact, if we do manage to catch fish, that’s just the icing on the cake. Enjoying the scenery and some good times are the primary motivations. And although the scenery where we were cannot compare with...

Hell Froze Over?

Thursday, May 18, 2006 - 10:24 by Mike Milinkovich
So we had a very interesting milestone at Eclipse yesterday. Our first ever committer from Sun committed code to CVS. Suresh Raju contributed code to get Eclipse working on Solaris x86. Welcome Suresh! We were first introduced to the Solaris x86 team by Simon Phipps, who runs open source strategy...

Swing over to Google…

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - 12:52 by Mike Milinkovich
…and check out the new Google Web Toolkit. Not only does it have some really cool AJAX-enabling technology, it ships both JDT and SWT. The embedded GWT browser is built with SWT for use during development. From an email from Bret Taylor, the PM on the project: GWT has two...

Conference Frenzy

Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 15:29 by Mike Milinkovich
So last week was two conferences: JAX/ Eclipse Forum Europe in Wiesbaden, Germany. (A beautiful city, by the way.) in Geneva, Switzerland. While at JAX, the editor of JavaMagazin, Alexander Neumann presented Eclipse with their Reader’s Choice Award for Best Open Source Project. Congratulations to the entire Eclipse team...

No Enemies There

Sunday, May 7, 2006 - 20:28 by Mike Milinkovich
I, like many others, have enjoyed reading Ed Burnette‘s recent series on Sun joining Eclipse. Personally, I think it would be great to have Sun join Eclipse. It is obviously one of the questions I’ve been asked a lot since starting at Eclipse, and my answer has been the same...


Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 11:56 by Mike Milinkovich
No, that’s not the name of a new committer Project Antoine is a really interesting idea. UBC is running Project Antoine to collect information on how people are actually using Webtools. The information will be used to improve usability. If you’re an Eclipse WTP user, please help out by installing...

Project Focus

Monday, April 24, 2006 - 16:48 by Mike Milinkovich
So John Graham is asking a question that I have seen repeated in various forms many times before. In a nutshell, should Eclipse projects focus on (a) building a well-architected platform or (b) building great tools for end-users to pick up and use “as is”? Believe it or not, I...

BarCamp Ottawa

Monday, April 24, 2006 - 15:11 by Mike Milinkovich
On Saturday morning I had a chance to both attend and speak at the first BarCamp Ottawa. For anyone who’s ever wondered if these BarCamp “unconferences” really work, the answer is a most emphatic yes. The talks I went to were great. And at what other event could you attend...

Hannover Community Building

Saturday, April 22, 2006 - 14:17 by Mike Milinkovich
One of the most interesting new products being built on top of the Eclipse RCP is the new version of IBM’s Lotus Notes client. Dubbed the “Hannover” release, it is a complete significant re-write of the Notes UI on top of RCP. (Or more accurately on top of Workplace Client...