
The EPL as a Platform License

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 08:45 by Mike Milinkovich
Yesterday’s announcement of the OpenDaylight project has gotten very wide coverage. It looks like a well-done announcement, and the industry support for this important new collaboration is stellar. Yet another great example of how open source is facilitating collaboration on new and innovative industry platforms. In my opinion, one important...

A Major Overhaul of Eclipse’s IP Process: CLAs, signed-off-by and more

Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 08:00 by Mike Milinkovich
I’m very happy to announce that we are going to be making some fairly significant changes to the workflows and processes around how contributions flow into Eclipse projects, and how Eclipse committers will process them. The good news is that we think that the new approaches are going to make...

JRuby Moves to the EPL

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 15:41 by Mike Milinkovich
I am very happy to report that after a little bit of conversation, the JRuby project has moved from the Common Public License (CPL) to the Eclipse Public License (EPL). So as of this moment, JRuby is tri-licensed under the EPL/LGPL/GPL. This is an excellent reminder to all remaining CPL-licensed...

Eclipse Says Goodbye to CVS

Friday, December 21, 2012 - 12:30 by Mike Milinkovich
Well, December 21st is here and the the apocalypse didn’t happen! But it’s still a big day at Eclipse because today at 12:00 noon, Eastern Time, our webmaster team of Denis and Matt started the process of turning CVS into a read-only service. At this point, we are down to...

Juno Performance

Monday, September 10, 2012 - 03:00 by Mike Milinkovich
There has been a lot of conversation this past week about the state of Juno’s performance on the new Eclipse 4.2 platform. The original thread was kicked off by Thomas Hallgren, there’s been a flurry of comments on bug 385272, and a nice summary of the concerns in Andrey Loskutov’s...

ACM Recognizes Eclipse

Thursday, April 26, 2012 - 08:57 by Mike Milinkovich
This morning the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) announced that Eclipse has been awarded the Software System Award. This is truly a prestigious honour. To put this into perspective, past winners of this award include systems such as Java, Apache, Mosaic, the World Wide Web, Smalltalk, and UNIX. Awarded to...