
Voting is Open!

Monday, February 27, 2012 - 09:30 by Mike Milinkovich
Voting for the Eclipse Foundation’s 2012 Board of Directors is now open. If you are eligible to vote, you should soon be receiving an email with your voting credentials. If you believe you are eligible, but do not receive credentials, please contact Many thanks to the candidates who put...

Foundations Considered Useful

Friday, November 25, 2011 - 05:00 by Mike Milinkovich
Blogosphere and twittersphere are both abuzz this week as a result of Mikeal Rogers’ “ Apache Considered Harmful” post. I thought the article made a number of important points about how the software world is changing, and changing very rapidly. However, I think that follow-on articles such as “ Has...

A Little Open Recognition

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 - 16:41 by Mike Milinkovich
The last few weeks have seen two great articles discussing the openness and transparency of the Eclipse community. The two reports were completely independent of one another, but both highly valued the open and transparent data we make available about our projects, and the vendor-neutral governance model that helps sustain...

Open Forum

Monday, July 4, 2011 - 02:30 by Mike Milinkovich
I just got home from Germany after a whirlwind trip to join the Eclipse Democamps in Hamburg and Berlin. And now it’s time to head back already. Next week is the Open Forum in Stuttgart, and I have the great honour of joining an all star cast of keynotes including...

EclipseCon North America 2012

Friday, July 1, 2011 - 09:20 by Mike Milinkovich
I have some news! EclipseCon North America is moving from our long-term home in Santa Clara. We love the location there and the team at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara has been wonderful to work with. But after six years in a row it was time to try something new...

Hudson Now At Eclipse

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 11:00 by Mike Milinkovich
Today’s announcement that Oracle is proposing to move the Hudson project to the Eclipse Foundation is big news. It’s news because of the popularity of the project, its history and, let’s face it, the Hudson/Jenkins fork that happened a few months back. One of the key issues that split the...

Open Healthcare. Or Not.

Thursday, April 7, 2011 - 15:17 by Mike Milinkovich
I thought Gunnar Hellekson’s post on the recent RFP from the US Veteran’s Administration (VA) to open source their VistA electronic healthcare record (EHR) system was a great overview of the challenges facing massive government agencies as they attempt to adopt an open source approach to their mission. I definitely...

Congratulations David!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 08:00 by Mike Milinkovich
Each year, the Eclipse Foundation recognizes key contributors and committers amongst its community with awards. This year we created a new Lifetime Contribution Award to recognize an individual who has a long, sustained record of contribution to Eclipse as a whole. That is, all three communities of Eclipse: adopters, users...

2011 Eclipse Board Election Results

Monday, March 21, 2011 - 18:00 by Mike Milinkovich
I am pleased to announce the results of the 2011 Eclipse Foundation Board elections. The elected Committer Member representatives for 2011 will be: Chris Aniszczyk Boris Bokowski Ed Merks The elected Sustaining Member (e.g. Solution and Enterprise Member) representatives for 2011 will be: Eric Clayberg (Google) Hans Kamutzki (MicroDoc) Mik...