Edge Computing

Join the Conversation: The 2024 IoT & Embedded Developer Survey is Now Open!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 12:41 by Clark Roundy
Exciting news - the 2024 IoT & Embedded Developer Survey is now open! This comprehensive survey provides developers and industry professionals with a unique opportunity to shape the future of IoT and embedded systems by sharing their insights and experiences. Since 2015, we've been at the forefront of exploring the...

Navigating the IoT & Edge Landscape: Insights from the 2023 Commercial Adoption Survey Report

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 09:42 by Clark Roundy
We are excited to introduce the much-anticipated fifth edition of the Eclipse Foundation’s annual IoT & Edge Commercial Adoption Survey Report. The latest findings shed light on some of the shifts within the industry that unfolded over the past year, and how certain trends have persisted. Let’s take a look...

Two Easy Things You Can Do to Support the Open Source IoT and Edge Community

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 11:44 by Frédéric Desbiens
Most of what we do at the Eclipse Foundation happens in public. Our mailing lists and code repositories are open to all. Anyone can freely download, modify, and redistribute our code and slide decks with little to no strings attached. This kind of openness is the mark of truly successful...

Three Things I Hope to Learn From the 2021 Eclipse IoT and Edge Developer Survey

Monday, September 20, 2021 - 16:07 by Frédéric Desbiens
The 2021 edition of the Eclipse IoT & Edge Developer Survey is underway. This is the seventh edition of the survey, which over the years has become one of the most widely referenced technical surveys within the IoT & edge computing community.Back in July, strategic members of the Eclipse IoT...

[Guest Post] Edge Computing and Open Source in Europe: A New Hope

Monday, July 19, 2021 - 09:31 by Frédéric Desbiens
This is a guest post by Alberto P. Martí, VP of Open Source Community Relations at OpenNebula.For everyone in the European cloud market with a passion for open source, these are exciting times. For years, tech journalists and market analysts have been predicting that edge computing was going to bring...

The Eclipse Foundation at Edge Computing World

Thursday, November 28, 2019 - 11:00 by Frédéric Desbiens
Edge computing, a distributed computing architecture that brings compute power and storage physically closer to applications in order to improve performance and increase efficiency, is forecast to generate a market worth $16.5 billion within the next five years (Allied Market Research, 2019). The Eclipse Foundation is the home of two...