Mike Milinkovich's blog

    Download Mania

    Thursday, June 30, 2005 - 02:38 by Mike Milinkovich
    As I mentioned in my previous post, Eclipse.org was hammered by a DDOS attack when we posted Eclipse 3.1. You may have noticed that the form of the attack has almost certainly inflated the number of download requests showing in the “ Eclipse Download Challenge” counter. So as described in...

    JavaOne Roundup

    Thursday, June 30, 2005 - 01:38 by Mike Milinkovich
    So I head for SFO in the wee hours of the morning and thought it would be worth jotting down a few thoughts and observations. Here they are in more-or-less random order. Eclipse was very well represented at JavaOne. For example, it was amazing the degree to which Eclipse showed...

    Eclipse.org Running Better

    Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 14:37 by Mike Milinkovich
    I just info from Denis (Eclipse webmaster) that part of the reason the site was slow was that we were hit by a DDOS attack at the same time the 3.1 release went up. Denis has dealt with that and the site is running better now. Hopefully we can get...

    And the race begins!

    Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 14:01 by Mike Milinkovich
    Well, Luis beat me to the punch, but Eclipse 3.1 is released and ready to go! We’ve doubled the bandwidth at http://www.eclipse.org, so hopefully the Million Download Challange will make me pay up big time to my favourite charity. I would really like to thank the platform team for all...

    JavaOne Fun

    Monday, June 27, 2005 - 18:45 by Mike Milinkovich
    Well dropping by the Eclipse booth this afternoon really made my day. On the first day of the exhibit hall being open, the interest in the Eclipse Passport and the Eclipse t-shirts has been awesome. When I dropped by there was a line of at least twenty people there waiting...

    Eclipse & RIA

    Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 23:35 by Mike Milinkovich
    Hot on the heels of my last post comes some very exciting news about the use of Eclipse in the Rich Internet Application (RIA) space. In my last post I talked about how James Governor‘s post on RCP showed that he really understands some of the potential of the Eclipse...

    He Gets It!

    Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 19:35 by Mike Milinkovich
    It is always great when the Eclipse community works hard on communicating a new and novel idea and then runs into someone who really understands it. James Governor‘s blog post today on RCP is a great example of that. James is focused on the potential for RCP to dramatically change...

    Phoenix Starting Point

    Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 11:54 by Mike Milinkovich
    So we are preparing for our Phoenix project Creation Review next week. There has certainly been a lot of interest in this project and in improving the eclipse.org website. If you don’t mind a little strong language, you can check out these comments from one frustrated user. His comments are...

    Council Meetings

    Friday, May 20, 2005 - 00:12 by Mike Milinkovich
    So this week in Mike’s excellent travel adventures, I am in Portland, Oregon for the gathering of the Eclipse Councils. We’ve just wrapped up three days of meetings of the Requirements, Architecture and Planning Councils. I am not sure how widely recognized Eclipse is for the ground-breaking work it is...

    Eclipse independence

    Friday, May 13, 2005 - 03:40 by Mike Milinkovich
    NetBeans just shipped their 4.1 release. Congratulations guys. By all reports it is a much better Java IDE than its predecessor releases. But this statement included in InfoWorld’s coverage of their release certainly has me stumped: The Sun executives also expressed doubts about whether the Eclipse Foundation actually is independent...