
Understanding JFace Data Binding

Monday, March 17, 2008 - 20:52 by Wayne Beaton
I’ve tinkered with the JFace DataBinding, but haven’t had a chance to really dig into it. So, this afternoon I attended “ Understanding JFace Data Binding“, presented by Boris Bokowski (IBM Rational Software), Michael Scharf (Wind River), and Frank Gerhardt (Gerhardt Informatics). I loved the presentation style. They very likely...

Ask Me About…

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 - 23:15 by Wayne Beaton
I’ll be arriving at EclipseCon on Sunday and will be there all week. While I’m there, I’d like to talk to you. Yes you. And you. You also. To make it as easy as possible, here are some topics we can discuss: The Eclipse Examples Project (which successfully passed its...

Stupid Eclipse Tricks

Thursday, February 28, 2008 - 16:56 by Wayne Beaton
I’ve done this so many times… Today I downloaded the Ganymede M5 release of Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers and did what I always do: Create a link of the eclipse executable, using the handy icon.xpm graphic, and drag the combination onto my desktop for easy launching; and Open the eclipse.ini...

Services, services everywhere!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 15:09 by Wayne Beaton
I’ve spent a few hours over the last few days reworking parts of my Eclipse Organizer example that I intend to contribute to the Eclipse Examples Project. Mostly, I’ve been working on introducing OSGi Services into the mix. Frankly, I’m totally in love with services. Yes—if I could—I’d marry them...

Command Horse Race

Friday, February 15, 2008 - 09:36 by Wayne Beaton
Things are heating up and the excitement is building with the the usage data collector ( UDC). It seems that debugging is making a play… The five most popular commands over the past 14 days are: org.eclipse.ui.file.save (8436) org.eclipse.ui.edit.delete (5289) org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.contentAssist.proposals (4983) org.eclipse.ui.edit.paste (4645) org.eclipse.debug.ui.commands.StepOver (4573) I thought that it...

Most used bundles

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 - 23:16 by Wayne Beaton
A lot more of you are participating with the Usage Data Collector (UDC). We’ve tried to make it very robust, and as low impact on your experience with Eclipse as possible. That said, it’s hard to get things exactly right, so please report a bug if you run into problems...