
Great Fixes for Mars

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 - 10:15 by Wayne Beaton
We’re launching the “ Great Fixes for Mars” programme. As is suggested by the name, we’re looking for great fixes in the form of contributions to Eclipse open source projects. There will be prizes. A “Great Fix” is a contribution from a non-committer that provides a significant improvement in the...

Building and Running Java 8 Support

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 16:46 by Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse support for Java 8 is not yet available for download. If you want to play with it, you’ve got to build it. Eclipsepedia’s JDT Core/Java8 page includes instructions for setting up your development environment with the source for the evolving Java 8 support in the Eclipse Java development...

Java 8 Support in Eclipse

Friday, January 31, 2014 - 10:46 by Wayne Beaton
I’ve been following the Java™ 8 work by the Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) team for a while now. Naturally, they’re tracking all of the work through our Bugzilla instance. All Java 8 bugs are prefixed with “[1.8]”, which makes them pretty easy to find. My Mylyn query shows me...

Eclipse 3.4 M5 is out !

Saturday, February 9, 2008 - 06:00 by Benjamin Cabé
Eclipse 3.4M5 vient de sortir. Au programme de cette nouvelle version intermédiaire, et en synthèse : Platforme / SWT Checkboxes à trois états : ça m’aurait bien servi il y a quelque mois pour gérer élégamment un “Oui—Non—Ne sait pas”… Possibilité d’ imprimer directement un contrôle (dans le GC de...