Jakarta EE

Migrating to Jakarta EE 9

Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 12:22 by Ivar Grimstad
Jakarta EE 9 is out, and with it the namespace change from javax.* to jakarta.*. When we talk about the namespace change, we mostly talk about changing the import statements in your code when migrating to Jakarta EE 9. But there is more to it. I have created a slightly...

Announcing Jakarta MVC 2.0

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 02:48 by Ivar Grimstad
On Saturday, I will present Jakarta MVC 2.0 at the Kotlin Hyderabad Community. In this talk, I will go through a bit of the history behind Jakarta MVC, as well as showing it in practice. Be prepared for an intense Live Coding session! Jakarta MVC 2.0 is planned to be...

Hashtag Jakarta EE #48

Sunday, November 29, 2020 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
Welcome to the forty-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE! JakartaOne Livestream 2020 is just around the corner. Make sure you register today! We continue the cupcake success from the Milestone party in June. This time we go even bigger! A final release deserves a proper CAKE! Join us in the...

Jakarta MVC 2.0 TCK

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - 04:21 by Ivar Grimstad
A specification must, according to the Jakarta EE Specification Process ( JESP), provide a test suite to verify that an implementation implements the specification correctly. This test suite is called a Test Compatibility Kit (TCK). There must be at least one compatible implementation, i.e. an implementation that passes the TCK...

Jakarta EE 9 Live Coding

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 - 04:04 by Ivar Grimstad
What better way of spending a Friday night than some Jakarta EE 9 live coding on YouTube with Markus Karg? I don’t think any lengthy description is needed since the video speaks for itself. It is FUN and you don’t want to miss it!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #47

Sunday, November 22, 2020 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
Welcome to the forty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE! Jakarta EE 9 is released and available in Maven Central! You can start using it today. This is how you configure your pom.xml for Jakarta EE Platform 9: jakarta.platform jakarta.jakartaee-api 9.0.0 provided And this is how you configure your...

Member Case Study: Payara Services Joins Industry Leaders

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 10:40 by Thabang Mashologu
One of our mandates at the Eclipse Foundation is to communicate the differentiated value proposition and broad benefits we deliver to our members. No one can describe the unique entrepreneurial opportunities and advantages offered by the Eclipse ecosystem better than our members themselves. We recently asked several members to tell...

Hashtag Jakarta EE #46

Sunday, November 15, 2020 - 05:59 by Ivar Grimstad
Welcome to the forty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE! This is the last time I will be showing the status pie chart for Jakarta EE 9. All the ongoing ballots will end this week, so the rest of the specifications are ready to be released on Friday. This week, we...