
Help Organize an Eclipse DemoCamp

Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 08:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
We are running a new series of Eclipse DemoCamps in November. The DemoCamps have proven to be a very popular way for local Eclipse communities to meet and show-off cool Eclipse technology. For instance, as pointed out by Jacek, the Poles love their DemoCamps. Organizing a DemoCamp is pretty easy...

New Eclipse Training Series

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
We have just announced a new Eclipse Training Series that will run November 3 to December 13. In the past we have just offered an Introduction to RCP but this time we have expanded the course topics to include an Advanced RCP course, Equinox course and Modeling course (EMF, GMF...

Collaborating on Open Source and Open Standards at Eclipse

Monday, September 8, 2008 - 11:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
Eclipse is proving to be a great community and platform for organizations to collaborate on implementing standards. There are lots of example but today there happened to be two announcements that highlight this theme. CA and IBM have announced they will be demonstrating support and interoperability for the CMDB Federation...

Genuitec Becomes a Strategic Developer

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 12:09 by Anonymous (not verified)
Congratulations to Genuitec on their decision to become a strategic developer member with the Eclipse Foundation. Genuitec was an early, active and valuable participant in the Eclipse community and their product MyEclipse is very popular with Eclipse users. Therefore, it is great to see them become even more involved.

EPL Now Availabe on Google Code

Friday, August 29, 2008 - 09:02 by Anonymous (not verified)
Google has just announced that they are adding the Eclipse Public License (EPL) as a license option for Google Code. A special thank you to Chris DiBona and the entire Google Code team making this addition. Google is a good friend of Eclipse and we appreciate their ongoing support of...

Aptana Aquires PyDev

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 12:43 by Anonymous (not verified)
Congratulations to the PyDev team and Aptana on the recent announcement that Aptana has hired the lead developer of PyDev and aquired the PyDev. PyDev is a very popular Python Eclipse IDE, so Aptana has done very well to add this to their suite of products. Lets hope this means...

Eclipse Conference Season

Thursday, August 21, 2008 - 13:58 by Anonymous (not verified)
As we near the end of summer, conference season seems to be starting and there are a number of Eclipse conferences being organized. The producers of the successful JAX conferences in Europe are starting a new Java and Eclipse oriented conference in San Jose, called JAX San Jose on Oct...

And the winners are…

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 - 14:32 by Anonymous (not verified)
The winners of the Ganymede Around the World blogging contest have been announced. Congratulation to Vincenzo Cappello of Corbetta, Italy for his review of CDT. For his efforts he wins a new Eclipse jacket and a pass to EclipseCon or Eclipse Summit Europe. I particularly like his introduction ‘I [have]...

Ouvrir une URL dans le navigateur interne d’Eclipse

Thursday, August 7, 2008 - 13:38 by Benjamin Cabé
Pour ouvrir une URL (par un clic sur un widget SWT “Link”, par exemple) dans le navigateur Web interne d’Eclipse, il suffit de faire ceci : [sourcecode language=’java’] PlatformUI.getWorkbench(). getBrowserSupport(). createBrowser(“myId”). openURL(url); [/sourcecode] myId étant un identifiant unique qui permet, éventuellement, de réutiliser le même navigateur pour ouvrir d’autres pages...