
Sortie de uDig 1.1.0

Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 02:58 by Benjamin Cabé
L’ outil de cartographie Open Source (licence LGPL) vient de sortir sa version 1.1, et je vous encourage vivement à y jeter un coup d’oeil (bon, il faut télécharger 90 Mo…), car c’est un outil assez bluffant dans sa catégorie ! uDig propose une application Eclipse RCP permettant la visualisation...

Is Smalltalk Cool Again?

Thursday, October 9, 2008 - 16:24 by Anonymous (not verified)
A number of people in the Eclipse community have roots to Smalltalk; for instance I was the ENVY/Developer marketing guy at OTI. When people talk about the glory days of Smalltalk, some people can get all teary-eyed. I long for the days of ENVY config. maps. So when I read...