Wayne Beaton's blog

    Transparent and Open

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 13:58 by Wayne Beaton
    The term “open and transparent” rolls off your tongue. While somewhat more cumbersome to say, I tend to prefer reversing the order: “transparent and open”. I prefer this because I believe that transparent precedes open; and far more open source projects are transparent than are open. In my experience most...

    Google Summer of Code 2012 Students announced!

    Monday, April 23, 2012 - 16:00 by Wayne Beaton
    The Google Summer of Code 2012 students have been announced, and I’m very happy to report that Google selected twelve exceptional student project proposals for the Eclipse Community. The Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) project picked up two student projects: Future enhancements for Salvo Newsreader, and OSGi Remote Services Testing framework...

    Releases, Plans, and Reviews

    Thursday, March 15, 2012 - 21:15 by Wayne Beaton
    Beware the IDEs of March. For each release, an Eclipse project is required to provide a project plan. The project plan is created at the beginning of a release cycle and may be modified throughout the cycle. The plan tells the community what the main areas of focus are in...

    Diversity in Open Source Projects

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - 21:51 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve been talking a lot about diversity lately. There are, of course, different kinds of diversity; but when I talk about diversity, I tend to mean diversity in the organizations contributing to an open source project: multiple organizations from different parts of the industry working together. Doug tweeted recently on...

    Releases, Plans, and Reviews

    Friday, March 2, 2012 - 00:04 by Wayne Beaton
    Nathan and I have been working on a new Project Management Infrastructure for the Eclipse Foundation. Some think of it as a replacement for the current Developer Portal. I see it as more than that. There are many aspects of project management at Eclipse that just aren’t covered by the...

    Eclipse 4 and the CSS Spy

    Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 16:52 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve been learning about styling using CSS in Eclipse 4. I’m capturing some of the steps that I’ve been following with these posts. Think of this as more of a journal than any sort of “how to” on the topic. The CSS Spy is a handy resource for figuring out...