Blog Posts

    Ouvrir une URL dans le navigateur interne d’Eclipse

    Thursday, August 7, 2008 - 13:38 by Benjamin Cabé
    Pour ouvrir une URL (par un clic sur un widget SWT “Link”, par exemple) dans le navigateur Web interne d’Eclipse, il suffit de faire ceci : [sourcecode language=’java’] PlatformUI.getWorkbench(). getBrowserSupport(). createBrowser(“myId”). openURL(url); [/sourcecode] myId étant un identifiant unique qui permet, éventuellement, de réutiliser le même navigateur pour ouvrir d’autres pages...

    SWT Graph

    Wednesday, August 6, 2008 - 14:17 by Wayne Beaton
    The SWT Graph Source Forge project provides some pretty sophisticated interactive graphical technology for Eclipse RCP-based applications. The sample images shown on the examples page are pretty cool, but the description of the underlying technology seems even cooler. Layered canvases are a natural and very powerful extension to SWT. It’s...

    Wanna see some numbers?

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 23:20 by Wayne Beaton
    I’ve got some numbers from from the usage data collector for the month of July. It’s the first full month of real data. Currently, I’ve only got data for commands, views, editors, and perspectives used; the information is restricted to only show those entries that start with “org.eclipse.”. You can...

    Write lots of code

    Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 11:26 by Wayne Beaton
    I generally enjoy reading Jeff Atwood’s Coding Horror blog. Yesterday his post, Quantity Always Trumps Quality, made me think of two things. First, the thoughts conveyed are exemplified at Eclipse: we value code over specifications; code is written, mistakes are made, lessons are learned, and everything gets better in the...

    Check Out Ganymede Around the World

    Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 15:15 by Anonymous (not verified)
    In the last month, lots of people have downloaded Ganymede. What is also nice to see is people talking about their Ganymede experiences on the Ganymede Around the World map. For example: Krishnakumar Pooloth from Bangalore, India and Stephen Egan from Melbourne, Australia who is using RCP, RAP, EMF...

    Event Service

    Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 14:18 by Wayne Beaton
    I blogged a while back about the potential use of a bus for delivering property change notifications in place of the very common observer pattern. A reader commented that the exact service I need to implement that sort of thing is already available in the form of the OSGi Event...

    Holy Cow!

    Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 11:07 by Wayne Beaton
    Participation in the Usage Data Collector has been nothing short of outstanding. As of this moment, we have gathered usage data from more than 22,000 users (more than 20,000 new participants this month alone). The usage trends page shows this in a cool graph. The other reports that we’ve generated...

    Mirroring p2

    Wednesday, July 9, 2008 - 16:41 by Benjamin Cabé
    Une des fonctionnalités apportées par p2 est de pouvoir facilement créer des miroirs d’entrepôts de métadonnées et d’artefacts. J’essaierai de préciser dans les jours à venir quelques notions clés de p2 comme celles-ci ; mais en attendant, vous pouvez d’ores et déjà — coucou David !— réaliser un miroir de...