
Git in the Dashboard

Monday, January 3, 2011 - 16:57 by Wayne Beaton
Before the break I started working on adding support for Git into the Eclipse Dashboard. I’m almost done. In fact, I have managed to generate the data for several projects: those projects that have correctly specified the location of their git repositories on our “dev” server. Or at least those...

An Interesting Number

Monday, December 6, 2010 - 10:59 by Wayne Beaton
I’m writing a little utility that scans the download.eclipse.org server to compare the contents against our IPZilla database. Essentially, I’m scanning for third-party libraries distributed from our servers. My script looks for any “*.jar” file (case insensitive) found either directly in the file system or contained within any ZIP or...

Barb Moving On

Thursday, December 2, 2010 - 05:42 by Mike Milinkovich
I have a bit of sad news, which is that Barb Cochrane of the Intellectual Property Management team is leaving us, effective Friday. Barb has been great to work with for the past three years. She added a lot of fun and enthusiasm to both the office and the community...

Qualified Support

Friday, November 19, 2010 - 16:26 by Mike Milinkovich
Neil Bartlett asked me on Twitter a few days ago why the Eclipse Foundation was supporting the JSR for SE8, given that this JSR is “anti-OSGi”. That is a very good question. I believe that Neil and others are basing their “anti-OSGi” read of the JSR based on Section 2.1’s...

An Unexpected Pleasure

Monday, October 11, 2010 - 17:26 by Mike Milinkovich
Today’s announcement that IBM is going to join forces and work with Oracle on OpenJDK is good news for Java, and by extension for Eclipse. All of us who live within the Java ecosystem need to recognize that this fundamentally strengthens the platform, enhances the business value of Java and...

Project Updates, August 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010 - 11:10 by Wayne Beaton
Note: Somehow, I managed to delete this post. So I’ve reposted it. Nothing new to see here. Move along… Correction: For reasons lost in the deep recesses of my brain, I mistakenly titled this August 200_8_. Not sure how this happened, but it’s been fixed. Normally… I’m fixated on the...


Wednesday, August 11, 2010 - 14:31 by Wayne Beaton
We’ve made a few changes at the Eclipse Foundation. Anne, who many committers know as the “face of the EMO” has been doing double-duty on conferences (EclipseCon and Eclipse Summit Europe) and “project stuff” for a long time. Frankly, she’s been doing a fantastic job of it, but after a...