
Introducing EBERT

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 14:56 by Wayne Beaton
I blogged last week about an example application that I’ve been building. Building good examples is pretty hard: you want an example to be simple enough to understand. At the same time, it has to be real enough to useful and expose real issues. I think that this application strikes...

Eclipse 3.4 M7 est là !

Saturday, May 3, 2008 - 09:14 by Benjamin Cabé
Ça y est, Eclipse 3.4 est à nos portes puisque le milestone qui sort aujourd’hui est le 7ème du nom ; ce qui, dans le cycle de développement Eclipse, veut dire que toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été implémentées ( feature complete) ! Les prochaines versions livrées seront des releases...

Livre “OSGi in Practice”

Sunday, April 20, 2008 - 17:53 by Benjamin Cabé
Neil Bartlett, expert et évangéliste de la technologie OSGi (voir notamment ses excellents articles “ Getting started with OSGi” sur EclipseZone), vient d’entamer l’écriture d’un livre intitulé “ OSGi in practice“. Ce dernier sera disponible sous licence Creative Commons, et le premier chapitre est d’ores et déjà téléchargeable ici. Si...

Eclipse 3.4 M6 – API Freeze !

Saturday, April 5, 2008 - 13:48 by Benjamin Cabé
Avec quelques jours de retard (il semblerait que l’intégration de p2 ait été assez laborieuse…) voici la cuvée M6 d’Eclipse 3.4 ! Comme pour chaque milestone, voici les nouveautés qui ont particulièrement retenu mon attention : Equinox Beaucoup de sous-projets qui étaient jusqu’alors en incubation ont été gradés et font...

The Interesting Part

Monday, March 31, 2008 - 15:02 by Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Examples project has been provisioned! I’ll spend some time later this week setting up the landing page and get to work moving some of my examples into the new project. Frankly, it’s exciting as heck for me. Over the last few days, I’ve been dreaming a bit about...

Equinox Services and User Interface

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 16:09 by Wayne Beaton
I’ve been trying to decide how to work with Equinox services in the user interface. I’ve started modifying the Organizer application that will soon be part of the Eclipse Examples Project (once it’s provisioned) to use Equinox services. I’ve got a view that updates its appearance based on available services...

Eclipse Riena Project

Thursday, March 20, 2008 - 14:37 by Wayne Beaton
This morning, after the throught-provoking keynote by Cory Doctorow, I sat in on the Eclipse Riena Project session, presented by Christian Campo (compeople AG, Frankfurt/Main, Germany) Fundamentally, Riena is about distributing services across tiers. It’s born from a need to have applications that are lighter than rich clients, but more...

Server-Side Eclipse – the dynamic server platform based on OSGi

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - 18:22 by Wayne Beaton
Sometimes it feels like I’m stalking Frank Gerhardt. Or maybe I just like listening to German speakers. Whatever the case, it seems that almost every single talk I’ve attended has been presented by Frank, or one of his countrypersons… This afternoon, I’m attending “ Server-Side Eclipse – the dynamic server...

Building Secure OSGi Applications

Monday, March 17, 2008 - 18:42 by Wayne Beaton
I sat in on Marcel Offermans’, Karl Pauls’ (both from luminis) tutorial titled “ Building Secure OSGi Applications“. Marcel and Karl provided a good incremental discovery approach to the tutorial, starting with the pre-OSGi 4.0 way of managing permission and moving quickly into the state of the art. The take-away...