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Welcome to the EPL

Thursday, August 6, 2009 - 12:00 by Mike Milinkovich

A bit of good news for the Eclipse Public License this morning comes from Intuit, which announced that their community site code.intuit.com will be using the EPL.

Intuit had previously decided to use the Common Public License, but when we pointed out that it had been superseded at the OSI by the EPL, they agreed that it made sense to go with the EPL. It turns out that some of the links and pages at the OSI had not yet been updated, and thanks goes to Russ Nelson for fixing those quickly!

All-in-all a good outcome for the EPL. It’s great to see the increasing adoption of our license by the broader open source community. It is now the license used by the Topcased and Symbian communities as well as a growing number of projects on code.google.com and sourceforge.