
Great Fixes for Mars Winners Part I

Sunday, March 15, 2015 - 21:33 by Wayne Beaton
A Great Fix is a contribution provides a significant improvement in the Java development experience using Eclipse. Special consideration will be given to performance or stability improvements, and patches that improve the user experience. To qualify, a fix needs to be merged into the project repository by a committer. For...

Eclipse N!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 - 23:29 by Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Planning Council—with help from the community—is trying to sort out the name for our eleventh named simultaneous release in 2016. We had some trouble with the first set of names that we selected, and so we’re into the second round. The “Eclipse Lynn” Lobby has significant momentum. We...

Great Fixes for Mars

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 - 10:15 by Wayne Beaton
We’re launching the “ Great Fixes for Mars” programme. As is suggested by the name, we’re looking for great fixes in the form of contributions to Eclipse open source projects. There will be prizes. A “Great Fix” is a contribution from a non-committer that provides a significant improvement in the...